The central database is our main project. We compile and then republish data in order to provide access to information on the Spanish Civil War and the Franco Regime, with particular regard to victims of repression and reprisal. We also publish articles about the Spanish Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Spain. Innovación y Derechos Humanos (Innovation and Human Rights) is a non-profit organization. Our goals are to defend and promote the right of access to information and to archives, as well as to publicise the importance of archives and of historical research.
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Access to information Alfonso XIII Aragon Archives Asturias Balearic Islands Bombing Catalonia Database Death or disappearance Education Exile Francoist Spain Imprisonment La Rioja Military Justice Nazi camps Presentations Purging Review Second Spanish Republic Spanish Civil War United Kingdom Valley of the Fallen Women
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Photo: Refugees entering the Bram concentration camp (France) through the avenue that separated two sections of it, by Agustí Centelles. Bram, 1939. Reproducida bajo licencia. ESPAÑA. MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN, CULTURA Y DEPORTE, Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica, ARCHIVO CENTELLES, FOTO 2806.
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